you might be like why did you not write for so much time, well, i was in cyj which is sleepaway camp all that time. now, there will be chapters in this post.
CHAPTER 1: THE SCREAMER the screamer is this giant swing thingy wheere you go like 250 ft. in the air. There is a rope that the other poeple that are going on the screamer need to pull so that you can go up. the first drop feels like a bird carried you and accidently droped you. like it was INSANE.

CHAPTER 2: LOST ok, this like the main thing that happened to me in camp, once upon a day in cyj, I was having free time. I played too much soccer with my friend so i got lost. we were looking all around for our counslers and we even found more kids in our bunk. i found the director so we talked to him and he said that we should go in to flag lowering with everyone so we went in and we were still lost for a minute. after that minute we found are counslers. we were saved
CHAPTER 3: MACCABIAH Maccabiah is technacally color war with red, green, yellow and blue. i was on blue team we got third place. we won dogdeball because of me. i don’t know what else to say it was just, awesome.

CHAPTER 4: CABIN my cabin was cabin 1L. Are bunk was always messy the beds were metal. it was one of the most important parts of cyj.

CHAPTER 5: LAST DAY in the last day we had breakfeast, waited for are bus left WITHOUT are parents, waited till we got home,talk to are parents all about are trip, and thats all